During the time of "stay home", I made a crocheted bag to keep me busy and use it to display a new product idea. Anyway, it also made me think about the value of work and handmade items. Making this handbag took more time than any leather bag I have ever made. But the cost of materials was almost nothing, compared to the material cost of a leather bag. In this case I kind of get why this type of bags are made in countries with low labor costs.
Since the technique is very simple it is a great DIY project, because working on someting and finishing it gives the joy of completing which creates motivation to act. And as a bonus - other things to think about. The great thing about this bag is that it is made of paper yarn and it can be easily turned back into two handles and a ball of yarn. And it decomposes, so the random desire to make is not that bad for the environment.